Why does eating less fat sometimes lead to weight loss?
Fat has more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. So when you cut fat from an average of 30% of calories to less than 20%, it is necessary to replace those fat calories with protein and carbohydrate calories, to maintain weight.
Fat has more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. So when you cut fat from an average of 30% of calories to less than 20%, it is necessary to replace those fat calories with protein and carbohydrate calories, to maintain weight.
So, in this instance, one needs to replace 200 fat calories daily with protein and carbohydrate calories to maintain weight. If you don’t, then weight loss may occur.
Make a plan to include at least 2 extra snacks during the day. You may need to think ahead and take something with you to work, in your purse or bag or in the car. Consider portable items like dried fruit, fruit cups, a package of pretzels or a low-fat peanut butter sandwich. If you have refrigeration, consider a high calorie low-fat yogurt or low-fat cheese stick or a turkey sandwich. A good snack habit is to drink a high calorie shake made with frozen fruit, a banana and some fat-free milk or soy milk. Think about what you enjoy and make it convenient for you to eat.
If you have lost weight and are struggling to regain weight, have patience. Start first by stabilizing your weight and then add extra calories to increase weight. You may need as many as 500 or more extra calories per day. Your doctor or dietitian will work with you to determine the best source of extra calories and personalize a plan to increase your food intake, including meal and snacks.